AGE: Children must be the age of the class they are enrolling in by August 1st. For example a child enrolling in the 1 Year Old Classroom must be 1 by August 1. We are not able to allow any exceptions to this.
Ages for Infants: We are licensed to enroll infants as young as 6 weeks old and the infant must be six weeks old by August 1 in order for us to fully enroll them. In some cases, we may allow for parents of infants who were born in late June or July or for parents expecting the birth of a child, to reserve a space in the Infant Classroom by paying towards tuition during the time they are waiting for their child to reach 6 weeks of age. Families need to contact the preschool office for more information about this option.
POTTY TRAINED: Children in the Four Year Old and PreK classes must be fully potty trained in order to attend preschool. Children should be able to pull up and down their underwear and pants. They must be able to wipe themselves (we provide moistened wipes if necessary). In addition, they should be able to get on and off a standard-sized toilet by themselves. If you are potty training a boy, please teach them to stand while using the bathroom. Pull-ups are not permitted as a substitute for potty training.
Children enrolled in our Three Year Old class do not have to be fully potty trained but there will be an additional fee of $10 a week for children who are not. This additional fee will be removed when the child is fully potty trained.
IMMUNIZATIONS: We are required by law to keep an updated immunization record on file for each child. Immunization records must be certified by Kentucky state records.
CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES: Unfortunately, our facility and staff is not equipped to enroll and effectively educate children with physical and cognitive disabilities.
We recommend that anyone looking for information about enrolling their child with physical and cognitive abilities in a preschool program, check out the area Head Start programs at: https://www.headstartprogram.us/city/ky-madisonville